Our Mission Statement
To provide high school students with the platform to explore their interests while also serving their community.
Our Story
Before VolunTeens even began, our founder Michael participated in a 4-month service project dedicated to helping low-income families in Howard County. The team project was to host a volunteer fair to help connect high school students in need of service hours to nonprofits in need of volunteers. The fair was a huge success, and ended up connecting 50+ students to various nonprofits in Howard County. Realizing the important need for students to get more involved in their community, Michael assembled a team of peers and created VolunTeens, a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to continuing the work of connecting students to service through VolunTeens’ website, social media, and occasional volunteer fairs.

Why Choose Us?
Out of the few organizations that also connect people to service opportunities, VolunTeens is special in that it is the only one dedicated to helping high school students find nonprofits. We help connect students through our website, social media, and other methods such as their school.