Gnocchi Donation Zoom Call
We donated almost 50 homemade gnocchi dishes to Columbia Community Care so that they can donate them to people in need. We were able to donate it so that people in need were able to get a nice pasta dish for Christmas dinner. We hosted a Zoom call for everyone participating to learn and follow along with the Gnocchi prep process. VolunTeens paid for all ingredients and organized pick up locations for ingredients as well as drop off locations for finished food.

Social Justice Art Contest
We hosted an art contest to promote social justice. Our members helped spread the word and get as many submissions as possible. We had people from K-12th grade submit their work. Prizes were given out to the winners, runner ups, and honorable mentions. The winners were announced on January 1st. Click here to check out the winners, as well as all of the entries!

Lasagna Donation Zoom Call
We donated almost 50 homemade lasagnas to Columbia Community Care so that they can donate it to people in need. We hosted a Zoom call led by Trajan Mulinazzi for everyone participating to learn and follow along with the lasagna prep and cooking process. VolunTeens paid for all ingredients and organized pick up locations for ingredients as well as drop off locations for finished lasagnas.

Building Imagination Stage for Homeschooled Students
We built a stage in the woods at the Community Ecology Institute for homeschooled students to learn and perform. Volunteers were on the property building the Imagination Stage in groups of five across multiple shifts. They not only built the stage but also built six benches to go along with it.

Election Judge Officials
Trajan Mulinazzi worked closely with the Howard County Board of Elections and VolunTeens to keep all polling places open across our county. Our VolunTeens volunteers stepped up and we were able to register 30 new election judge officials. They then showed up on multiple voting days all across the county to work in election sites.

Community Garden Mural
We painted an interactive mural at the Freetown Farm’s workshed where community members can come and write down what they are growing in their backyard gardens. County executive Dr. Clavin Ball was the first one to write on the mural!

Fall Clean-Up Campaign
The Fall Clean-Up Campaign was a group effort led by Tuscan Mulinazzi to provide leaf cleaning services for elderly/ disabled/low-income individuals. Over the course of 5 weeks, with the help of the Village of Howard, our volunteers were able to contact and service over 40 houses.

Second Virtual Volunteer fair
The fair was held on July 15th from 2-3:30 over Zoom to connect teens with nonprofits from across the county, including the Community Action Council, Special Olympics, Meals on Wheels, Student Voices of HoCo, and many more! We had over 100 people tune in and they were able to ask questions and talk one on one with many local nonprofits to find one that fits their interests.

Maker Space Mural
We painted a mural at the Freetown Farms maker space, where kids can come and channel their creativity into carpentry, blacksmithing, and pottery projects.

First Virtual Volunteer fair
The fair was held on July 15th from 2-3:30 over Zoom to connect teens with nonprofits from across the county, including the Community Action Council, Special Olympics, Meals on Wheels, Student Voices of HoCo, and many more! We had over 100 people tune in and they were able to ask questions and talk one on one with many local nonprofits to find one that fits their interests.